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LED Traffic Lights

Loading bay equipment LED Traffic Lights

Introducing our LED Traffic Light, the ultimate solution for enhancing safety and efficiency at your loading bay. Available in three voltage versions - U24vdc, CR24vdc, and CR12vdc - you can choose the option that best suits your specific requirements.


- U24vdc: This standard, unregulated 24vdc version is the most popular choice among our customers. 

- CR24vdc: For areas prone to frequencies that could potentially interfere with LED lights, we offer the CR24vdc option. It comes equipped with a common mode choke and an RFI filter built-in, providing additional protection for the LEDs. 

- CR12vdc: Similar to the CR24vdc, but designed for 12vdc applications, offering versatility in various voltage setups.

Twin Light Housings:

Choose from two different sizes of twin light housings to fit your space and visibility needs:

- Twin 100mm: Compact yet highly visible, perfect for confined spaces or areas with limited visibility.

- Twin 150mm: Provides increased visibility and clarity, ideal for larger loading docks or environments with greater distances between the dock and approaching vehicles. 


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